can life be better than this ?
I'm 10 hours away from boarding my flight to India and have been gripped by pre-travel Euphoria...I've finished my 1st year PhD viva and found that I've been transferred to the 2nd year...and at the moment, I don't think I could be feeling any happier...on the one hand, India beckons...the happy expectation of all the people I'm going to see, the places I'm going to visit, the food I'm going to eat...the anticipation of the million nice things that could happen on my trip...the absence of any niggling fear or guilt...just pure unadulterated excitement and happiness...and on the other hand, the knowledge that I have a good life to come back to in the UK...and interesting work and great friends...and opportunities to realise my potential and make a difference...
thank you God.
Ah, the only post I could finish reading. Nice blog you have :-)